Nagranie wykładu prof. M. Malinowskiego z pobytu w Talinie

Zapraszamy do obejrzenia nagrania wykładu prof. M. Malinowskiego pt. "New technologies in the energy sector as a response to the challenges of the European Green Deal", który został wygłoszony dla studentów i naukowców z Uniwersytetu w Talinie (Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech, Estonia)) w styczniu 2024 roku.

Link do wykładu

Abstract: The fast development of the energy sector, including the increasing number of renewable energy sources (RES), storage, electromobility, hydrogen, and smart grids done thanks to power electronics converters, helps to respond to the challenges of the European Green Deal. The proposed modern solution is the application of multifunctional power electronics converters that is able to not only meet the main basic requirements of the European Green Deal, but also respond to the future challenges defined by the constant progress of technology in all-new fields through highly efficient energy conversion and providing new functionalities in a modern distributed power system.